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What is Indivisible Glenview? 

Indivisible Glenview is a community of progressive activists united in opposition to President Trump’s and the GOP's agenda. Our actions are informed by the Indivisible Guide, which details effective ways to influence members of Congress (MoCs).

What are the goals for Indivisible Glenview? 

Indivisible groups have several goals:

  1. Grow, inform, and engage a community of local progressive activists. 

  2. Support and re-elect our Democratic members of Congress -- Reps. Jan Schakowsky and Brad Schneider, Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.

  3. Support the election of additional Democratic representatives  (House and Senate) in IL and other states (such as Michigan and Wisconsin).


What type of activism does Indivisible Glenview pursue?

We support local advocacy.  Our activism focuses on the following:

  1. Work with our Members of Congress (MoCs)

    • Meet with our MoCs and their staff.

    • Support their work and re-election. 

    • Communicate with our MoCs to let them know where you stand on the issues and policies.  

    • Attend MoC-sponsored Town Hall/Listening Sessions.

  2. Promote and attend local marches, rallies, and events. 

  3. Work with the media to influence our MoCs and public policy. 


Who can join? 

We are an inclusive group that welcomes people of all backgrounds and beliefs.


How do I join?
You can do any or all of these:

  1. Join our email list. You will receive information about recent and upcoming actions, our meetings, and other updates. 

  2. Like our Facebook group

  3. Attend a meeting. Currently, with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not having indoor meetings.  We occasionally schedule Zoom meetings or outdoor gatherings to write postcards and chat (limited to 10 attendees with masks).


How much time does this require? 

We do not have any specific time requirements to join but we would like you to be an active member.  Ideally, we'd like you to contact MoCs  (your Representative and both Senators) as warranted. That takes less than 15 minutes in total.


With specific topics, we provide scripts to make it easy for you to call about the issue we’ve agreed to focus on.


There are other opportunities to get involved.  We'll contact you once you join to find out how you might want to get further involved — for example, by writing emails, doing research on issues and events, or attending a meeting with one of your MoCs — but those activities are optional.

Do I have to come to every meeting?  
No. Reaching out to MoCs is the most important part of our work, and you can do that without attending a meeting. We do encourage new members to attend at least one meeting or activity to meet our community, learn about our process, and participate in guiding our work. 

What good can Indivisible Glenview do when all our MoCs are Democrats?  
Our MoCs are particularly powerful, respected, and they represent us! Through our work, we influence them to wield that power on our behalf.

  • Rep. Schakowsky serves in the House Democratic Leadership as Chief Deputy Whip. Rep. Schakowsky is a member of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, House Budget Committee, as well as the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where she serves as Ranking Member of the Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection Subcommittee, and as a member of the Health and Oversight & Investigations Subcommittees. 

  • Rep. Schneider serves on the House Committee on the Judiciary, the House Committee on Small Business, and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. 

  • Sen. Durbin serves as the Democratic Whip, the second-highest-ranking position among the Senate Democrats. Durbin sits on the Senate Judiciary, Appropriations, and Rules Committees. He is the Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution and the Appropriations Committee's Defense Subcommittee.

  • Sen. Duckworth was elected to the Senate in 2016.  She serves on the Environment & Public Works Committee; the Energy & Natural Resources Committee; the Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee; and the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee.


I'm not a citizen.  Can I still join?  

Yes! The US Constitution ensures equal representation for everyone who lives in the United States, regardless of immigration status. Even if you aren’t eligible to vote in the US, you have the right to be heard by your representatives in Congress.

Do I have to register to vote to join? 
No. The Constitution ensures equal representation for everyone who lives in the United States, and that means you have the right to be heard by your representatives in Congress even if you didn’t participate in electing them. (That said, voting is one major way to make your voice heard, so we do encourage you to register!)


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Saving Democracy in America 
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